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Tristram Visual



[omnimedia v.04]

Come experience electro-chemical improvisational acts and autonomic orchestrations, designed with you, the sophisticated user, in mind
Friday, July 10, 1998
$7-10 slide
6-8pm ("musicians" warmup/tech-tweak, public welcome, tho
conversation with stressed musicians should be kept to a minimum)

8pm performances begin, 2am we all hit the onoff switch
2050 Bryant St, between 18/19th
San Francisco

Electronix, installations, trickle-down technology, autonomica, digital and analog visuals, over 13 electronix audio & visual "groups" formed into one gargantuan improvisational orchestra of circuit-blowing proportions. Ground hum, anyone?

Featuring some of the most exciting and influential performers of the greater bay area (in no particular order):

  • [Steev Hise] improv sound detournement via computer-mediated fretboard sample indexer
  • [the univac index] autonomic torrents of low-bit gamesounds, elaborate analog tinkerings proximity detection, & brain-controlled rhythm devices
  • [bxg cxty orchxstrx] itchy screamy noise from the 2nd generation, all original members are dead
  • [Wobbly] tape-electronic for working child
  • [Brain Science] their oscilloresoneutromatic test-tones will phase-lock your neurons and re-cycle your gray matter! interspliced with distorted echoes of distant memories and future thoughts.
  • [b.o.l.t] the bureau of low technology will be providing many exciting classic video games for you to flashback over
  • [The Jet Black Hair People: aka Peter Conheim] bass guitar and tape manipulations. old chestnuts roasting on a new open fire. comb filters and horse manes optional and subject to availability
  • [greg jalbert/imaja] flowing sequences of midi-triggered color cycling and algorithmic image generation, liquid video, and digital cave painting, improvised with imaja's bliss paint software
  • [David Tristram] tristra-sonic endomorphic freedom feelers generated in really-real time for instant brain-eye-eye-brain communi-commando satisfaction. viviography: its best is our best
  • [involution] scrumptous jenga jinxed clusters ov pharmaceuitcal CLAIRAUDIENCE, meshed and heated with didge and horn
  • [MC E.Astroholic] political musings and iconographies of the Solidata! incorporated in an astroholic slide show providing show (dis)information to you, the discerning audience
  • [Mr. Meridies] oblique if your CD collection got itself moving and invited it's friends over for jello shots
  • [INSECT FUNERAL] live 3-D multiple speaker sound blendage upstairs in the trance parlour
  • [fluorescent grey] an aural performance of the transformation of an animated mystery cartoon sequence to a 4 dimensional 8-bit thunderstorm of childhood nostalgia
  • [Gustavo] subtly chaotic sound
  • [Peter H King] projected life-size fractals respond to the movements of curious theremin conductors in a real time experiential feedback loop while others may see their own living image fractally kaleidoscoping ad infinitum
  • ALSO: David Elinoff, & R.F.SQUELCH (no descriptions available...)
  • Computer mutilations by Mike Kan, live radio local area broadcast by Kathy Kennedy, Audio kernel fractal generator by Dr. Aaron Wolf Baum, VideoFeedbackTractor by univac (after Skip Sweeney), & some video sent in by The Bran Flakes

Can you handle this? More entertainment in one night than can fill one whole page of email. Come experience the show that will break the traditional barriers of "bands" and "performers," that fills a 6,000 sqft performance space with so much electronix you'd think you were at a closeout military auction (except all of it works...), that will blow your senses with so much stimuli that you will find yourself humming whitenoise to yourself for days afterward.

omnimedia is based on the basic tenet of trickle-down technology: that piece of electronix you covet today, you will find in a swap meet or garage sale tomorrow. Good hunting.




Tristram Visual
tel: 408-280-6401
fax: 408-999-0537
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